Archive for the ‘ God ’ Category

// Martin Luther King and THAT quote

I got this quote from Soul Survivor’s Mike Pilavachi via. Twitter earlier, which has apparently been sent to him by a number of people today:

I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

It’s apparently unsubstantiated, but it turns out it’s been adapted from a 1967 speech in Atlanta which is known as the “Where Do we Go From Here?” speech, where MLK says this:

I’m concerned about a better world. I’m concerned about justice; I’m concerned about brotherhood; I’m concerned about truth. And when one is concerned about that, he can never advocate violence. For through violence you may murder a murderer, but you can’t murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar, but you can’t establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can’t murder hate through violence. Darkness cannot put out darkness; only light can do that.

Perhaps it’s an adaptation to make it more pithy and to fit it on Twitter.

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.

// sunday music: spring

Okay, three miscellaneous picks that made me think of Spring this week, in celebration of the fact that the sun has come out.

First up, from Jon Foreman‘s “Spring EP”, the breezy and cheerful Baptize my Mind. I was shocked this didn’t make Foreman’s album – I think it’s one of his best EP tracks and I love the Dave Matthews feel about it. You can grooveshark it here too:

Next up, because Spring often makes me feel melancholy for some reason, Colin Hay and I just don’t think I’ll ever get over you. Might seem a little downbeat, but there’s something in his wry, knowing wistfulness that just seems right for the season. Beautiful song, perfect in Garden State. On Grooveshark here:

And, finally, David Crowder Band‘s magnificent and breathless live version of a song called I will not be silent (make a joyful noise), which is the most joyful thing you’ll hear all week. It’s incredible. Grooveshark it here and there’s a video below:

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There you go – that should set you up nicely for the start of spring, whatever your mood is.

I’ll see you on Friday!

// saturday round-up (19/03)

Okay, I’ve been pretty unreliable at posting a Saturday round-up for the past month for a variety of reasons, but that means that this week it’s really a best of the past month. Which is good, as there’s some pretty excellent stuff on here.

As you’d expect, plenty on Rob Bell too, but I’ve tried to keep it to a minimum.

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// 11 ridiculous things that keep youth groups from growing – Brilliant, brilliant insight from REyouth Pastor, which constitutes essential reading if you’re involved with youth.

// greatest church mural ever – I recently redecorated the youth room at our church. I wish I’d done this, though:

// london coffee – On the trip to New York City I took this month, I had the best cup of coffee that I’ve ever tasted. Honestly, it was so good it made me kind of emotional (it was at Everyman Espresso and is at 136 East 13th St, incidentally, but keep it quiet…)

There were no words. However, if you’re in the UK, I suspect jonnybaker’s map of London coffee hotspots will provide something comparable.

// youth ministry essentials – teaching students the story of the Bible – I love youthministry360, and this is part of the reason why. Since becoming a youth worker I’ve really rediscovered my evangelical roots, and this is a great help in planning a teaching programme…

// Rob Bell – I was actually at the live webchat Rob Bell did in New York and my chief thought was about how annoying he was, unable to give an answer in less than 500 words. That said, I’ve read Love Wins and although I don’t think its ambiguous writing style is going to help Rob’s critics – or some of the people reading – it does actually have some really decent insights in. I think it’s worth reading, but only if you can face the inevitable long (and possibly pointless) arguments that everyone will have with you as a result, regardless of your position.

Incredibly, though, there is a typo in the penultimate word in the whole book. And it’s a typo on the word “love”.

More interesting, perhaps, is the debate that’s been raging around it. Krish Kandiah’s thoughts in an article entitled “Grace, Truth and Rob Bell” are well worth look at, and as are Eugene Petersen, who, having endorsed the book, is unmissable. The summary that Tall Skinny Kiwi posted of the debate is a good overview of the varying positions and is a welcome invitation to avoid Al Mohler’s view on the whole thing. A great article from Jonathan Keck at Theology 21 is here and most of Jesus Needs New PR’s coverage has been pretty balanced too.

// to Ephesus and beyond – The lent reading series by John Stephenson has been thought-provoking this week, so worth looking at. I’m new to the blog though, so I can’t comment beyond that.

// vertigo – If you’re involved with youth work in Oxford in any way, please add this to your blogroll – your involvement in the community we’re trying to grow will really help especially because things are going to really kick off in the next few weeks.

// Friday – Oh, wow. This is something else:

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And that’s all for today.

I’ll see you tomorrow for sunday music!

// will there be coffee shops in heaven?

In Heaven, will we still sit around in coffee shops talking theology?

For those of us who love to sit around talking books and discussing ideas about God and who have that as a part of our God-given personality, when we get there – wherever there is, although for the record I do believe there is a there – will we still do it, or will there no longer be any point?

When we know fully, even as we are fully known, will there be anything left to talk about or any difference of opinion? Or will we be so amazed by what we have seen and heard that we will keep speaking about it with a sense of wonder?

And if all discussion ceases – then what on earth will we do for eternity instead?

// clarity, commentary and a Belle & Sebastian graphic novel

Last weekend I went to visit a friend in Bristol, and one of his housemates had this Belle and Sebastian graphic novel called “Put the Book Back on the Shelf”. It was incredible – a bunch of artists had sat down with some of my favourite songs and reimagined them, bringing out themes and lyrics that were there beneath the surface. Belle and Sebastian were, I think, the first band I ever loved, and so seeing somebody else’s vision of the words I knew so well gave them a fresh clarity and brightness. It was like hearing them for the first time again.

I feel like I need that pretty often; new angles or new presentations of the same thing. I get easily bored, or numb to things, and the quest for the new and the fresh is a strong desire. But I’m not sure where that leaves me when it comes to faith. I’m not so sure that’s a good thing these days.

You look at the list of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 11 or Romans 12 and you see a whole load of different roles in the church, according to the gifts that God has given people. And if I’m honest, I always thought of myself as a teacher, thought that giving people new angles to see things from was a valuable skill, but ever since this furore with Rob Bell over the past few weeks I’ve been reflecting on it again.

What I admired about Rob in the first place wasn’t so much the conclusions that he drew but the attitude – the willingness to ask questions and see things from slightly sidelong angles, as well as his ability to see the end results of our actions and heart-attitudes. Paul did something similar in Romans 3, reflecting on the broken nature of humanity, and it seems to me like Jesus did too – pointed out exactly where we’d end up if we were left to our own devices and weren’t reliant on God. That seemed valuable, and I thought that kind of discussion would get us somewhere, that the questions were headed towards something.

But over the past few weeks people have raised some good points and now I’m stuck. I think that the best teachers are the people who have wrestled with the material, thrashed it out and got to a place where they feel like they can teach it adequately, but getting there necessarily takes a lot of wrestling and probably a few mistakes in the process. At the same time, I think that teachers have to know what they’re teaching, too, or at least what they’re teaching for – what the point of it all is.

Because what use is perpetually questioning unless it leads you somewhere? And on the same note, what use is tweaking your theology unless it’s going to lead you to worship – real, active, whole-life, heart-changing worship?

See, like with my Belle & Sebastian graphic novel, there is value in a new presentation of a thing provided it sends you back to a fresh appreciation of the original. But when it doesn’t, it’s just commentary for commentary’s sake, and that’s going to get us nowhere.

Last week I wrote briefly about paralysis, and I did that because I don’t know that any of this is really achieving much. I know we have to wrestle, but we also have to pick a point when we’re going to go out and live it, too, and I don’t know how we get past this debate (or this kind of debate, at least).

“We are justified by faith apart from the works of the law”, as Paul writes in Romans 3:28, and the faith that he’s talking about there is a real, active faith, a Hebrews 11 faith. It’s a case of believing the truth of what Christ says about us and then being willing to let that reshape everything in us, from the inside out.

Sure, being justified by faith might start with a decision to trust, but it also implies a continual decision to trust, to keep trusting and to keep going out – going in Christ.

I wonder if I got stuck in commentary, and have been for a while. Too much talking and not enough living, especially sad because the living is, in its own way, pretty straightforward (if not easy).

And I wonder too who – or what – it is that I really love. Whether it is God, or whether it is the philosophical complexity or literary power of this age-old faith tradition. I want it to be God, and I want to want Him more, but I feel like He might be getting lost beneath the noise, and the commentary might be getting detached from the original.

Oh God, that You would direct me back to Yourself. As the old hymn puts it,

“Be Thou my vision, O lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art;
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light…

Be Thou and Thou only the first in my heart:
High king of heaven, my treasure Thou art.”

God, let that be my prayer – and all of ours.

// sunday music: aftermath

Okay, this week’s sunday music is coming from the new Hillsong United album “Aftermath”, which I know a significant amount of the readers of this blog have probably already heard. If you haven’t, though, it’s well worth a listen – you can hear the full thing on grooveshark here.

The last Hillsong United studio album was “All of the Above”, which featured in the top worship albums of the past decade, and the new one is equally powerful. It’s reflective, innovative and profound; proof that Hillsong are at their best not when they are doing the epic and high-energy but in the moments of stillness instead.

Pick number one is the title track, Aftermath. Love the piano on this and the lyrics are amazing:

My favourite track from the new album, Bones, is pick number two today. The simple chorus – a breath of “oh, Jesus” that sounds like a whispered prayer – has a real power, and I love the spoken word refrain of Isaiah 61, even if the synths do make it sound a bit like worship music has just now reached the 80s:

And finally, pick number three is Awakening, the title track of the last Passion album and a song co-written with Chris Tomlin. It’s appeared on a few albums, but I love the slow, thoughtful delivery on this CD and the bridge, with Reuben Morgan declaring “like the rising sun that shines | from the darkness comes a light | i hear Your voice and this is my | awakening” is amazing:

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And that’s your lot for today. I’ll try to post the saturday round-up later today but I can’t make any promises on that front – life is so busy at the moment it’s unbelievable.

// freedom

So you know how Paul once reminded people in a letter that it was for freedom that Christ set them free? That they should stand firm, and not let themselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery?

And you remember how Jesus himself told us to come to him if we were weary and burdened, because his yoke was easy and his burden was light?

Well, for all of that, as a Christian, do you never feel a little bit… paralysed?

We read endless books and blogs hoping that when we just understand a particular part of theology we will “get it”, and everything will fall into place, and so we hold out for that day.

We complain to each other about our inability to conquer the addictions that take hold of us or the fact that we don’t know how to talk to our friends about Jesus or we’re anxious or we can’t talk to the opposite sex and we hope that one day, somehow, this will all get easier.

We listen to worship music that yearns for God on our ipods, day after day, and we wonder why He doesn’t seem closer to us.

Maybe the answer is already here, right in front of us. Maybe we’ve just been doing all of that stuff to keep us from the difficult business of having to live it.

Because the truth is this: we are not paralysed. We have been set free.

That’s a short message today, and a simple one, but I think it’s important.

You might not feel it. Everything in you might seem to cry out that you are still trapped and nothing will ever change. It might not seem tangible, plausible or possible.

But this is true. I will promise you this.

It is for freedom that you were set free.

You are not trapped. Not bound by fear, doubt, loneliness, pain, pressure, culture or anything else that stands against you. You have been set free by Jesus Christ to live the life that you were created to live.

Stop living like that’s not true.

// teaching

I’m taking a leaf out of Seth Godin‘s book this week and going for a shorter post instead.

I’m looking forward to watching Jamie Oliver’s Dream School, which starts on Channel 4 on Wednesday this week, both because I admire Jamie’s outlook on the world generally and I think his philosophy will translate well when it comes to teaching. But a few discussions this week have got me wondering what is is that teachers should do and be.

Is a teacher someone possessed of superior knowledge trying to impart that knowledge to others? Is a teacher a facilitator for young people, a spur to revelation and self-realisation? Is a teacher a mentor, a model for how people should live and act?

How holistic do you think teaching can and should be – both generally, and in a Christian context?

And where do you get that from?

Thoughts please.

// saturday round-up (19/02)

ARTICLE OF THE WEEK: “the Holy Spirit, the internet and bloggers like you and me” – Loved this article describing Christian bloggers as “pioneers”, people stepping out into uncharted territory. What do you think? It seems to me like there’s a lot of good in the discussions about Christian faith currently going on online.


// learning how to reach out to all families in your community – Great article from REyouth pastor about holistic and whole-family youth work, which links in well with Krish Kandiah’s article below. Check it out here.

// it takes a whole church to raise a child – On a similar theme to REyouth pastor, it’s great to see this topic on people’s radar at the moment. Check it out here and see if you can shed any light on the conversation or how you can live it out in your situation.

// the beginning and end of marriage – More great stuff from The Church of No People‘s “Love Month”. Some controversial topics for discussion, but all in all a very thought-provoking article from a great series. Go here.

// going solo – Another week where Jon Acuff’s Serious Wednesday post was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s here.


// come alive – Amazing video from CMS (thanks jonnybaker for passing it on) which creatively uses Foo Fighters lyrics to create an excellent, thoughtful meditation. I love this:

// the ‘love chapter’ as you never heard it before – Amazing rendering of a very familiar chapter that brings a whole new freshness to the words. Go here (via. Jesus Needs New PR).

// james blake – If you’ve not heard James Blake yet, check him out here. Echoes of Bon Iver and a really novel approach to music – his album’s streaming all over the place but you can hear bits of it here; it’s a grower, but it is weirdly beautiful.

// spring offensive – Certainly one of my favourite Oxford bands, Spring Offensive are giving away a “pay-what-you-like” acoustic EP called Between You and Me for another two days here. You should get it, and then you should go to see them, too, because live they are amazing.


// awkward “you’re single?” conversations at church – Yep, I’ve had some of these.

// purchase justification – “Is it even possible to make Kingdom impact while using a Dell?” The answer is no (I know.) Brilliant guest post from Tyler Stanton at SCL. Read it here.

// hardcore bible thumping spirit filled jesus freaks: This is just amazing:

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And that’s your lot for today. See you tomorrow for sunday music.

// sunday music: Valentine’s Day

Well, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and so today here are three (kind of) love songs. Don’t say I don’t know how to treat you:

First up, the joyful Hellogoodbye with “Oh, it is Love!” – on grooveshark here and youtube here (it won’t embed, but the video is worth following up).

Summery, upbeat and exuberantly romantic, you can’t really beat it, especially on a grey February morning:

Pick number two is a whole different kettle of fish, with The National and “Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks” providing an oddly triumphant cry of “All the very best of us | String ourselves up for love” that should provide a fitting antidote to your situation if you’re single and feeling depressed about it. Grooveshark here and watch it here:

And finally, Switchfoot and “Your Love is a Song”, a kind-of love song that provides a fitting coda to this post. It’s not on Grooveshark, so watch it here:

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And that’s all for today.

I love you all, I hope you know that.

See you on Friday!